We’re cropping tonight – 4pm to Midnight!

Hi All, just wanted to let folks know that we are cropping tonight. Feel free to join us any time after 4pm today … just $15. :) We still have a room for a few more so feel free to call or click here to contact us!

Upcoming Crop Dates

Happy Friday Everyone! We hope everyone has been surviving the little heat wave we have had here in New England. We have a few upcoming crop dates we want to make sure everyone is aware of. Click on the date below or check out the calendar on the right to sign up!

We’d love to get some more July dates on the calendar so send us some dates that work for you today and we’ll get them on the calendar!

Sign up Today – Summer Super Saturday Crop

Thank You for Celebrating … oh, and a new look!

Wow, we still can’t believe we are celebrating 2 years at Late Night Croppers! I guess time flies when you are having fun! We wanted to say a quick thank you to all of the lovely ladies that came to our 2nd Anniversary Super Saturday Crop. We had a blast and hope you did to.

If you were one of the lucky ladies that was at the crop, you received a Late Night Croppers WaterU® 2Go Cup. For those of you that weren’t there and would like to get your hands one, they will be available at the space for $8 (which includes tax). Just email us today to reserve yours as we have a limited number of cups and once they’re gone, they’re gone!

We have a few upcoming June crop dates. Check our the Calendar links on the right to see and to sign up! We have a couple of dates in mind for July but haven’t finalized any of our plans. If you have a date in mind, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

And … if you haven’t noticed, we have an updated look for our blog! We’re still working a few kinks out here and there but overall we’re happy with what we have done. A special thanks to Stephen at Wyld Web Designs for moving us to a self-hosted website. We are excited about all of the things this will allow us to do! So if you happen to see weird things happening on the website, it’s likely because we’re making tweaks so bear with us!


Join us in Celebrating our Second Anniversary – Only a few spaces left!!