Space is starting to fill up! Contact us today if you’d like to join us!!
Join us in Celebrating our Second Anniversary!!
Have You Joined Our Card Club?
We have a (super fun) Card Club the second Tuesday of every month. We make at least 4 cards in a “class” setting, and also have an optional card swap. Class starts at 6:30, and goes until about 8:00. We make cards with seasonal themes/papers and various techniques. Still not sure? Take a peek at last month’s cards… Next month will be just as fabulous :)
Made with our newest Stamps for Life set… (inside says “It’s your birthday”)
With a CTMH stamp, and pretty Basic Grey papers…
Technique Tuesday made the stamp on this adorable card…
And, my absolute favorite (created by Ryan)…
Click those “pin it” buttons to share our images… And, Let us know if you want to join us!!!
Upcoming Crop Dates
We some upcoming crop dates on the calendar… Let us know if you’d like to join us on any of these dates! Remember, if there’s a date that you’d like to come and crop, let us know, and we’ll get it on the calendar!
Tonight, May 11-6pm-midnight-$15
Saturday, June 9-Super Saturday Anniversary Crop-9am-midnight-$35
Sunday, June 24-Sunday Crop-10am-4pm-$15
We have lots of other available dates, let us know if you’d like to get a date on the calendar!!
We’re Cropping This Friday 5/11 !
Save the Date!! LNC’s Anniversary Crop!!
Well, they say that time flys when you’re having fun!! And, here is proof… The upcoming 2 year anniversary of Late Night Croppers!! We’ll be posting details soon, but mark your calendars, Super Saturday Celebration Crop on Saturday, June 9 more details to follow. Contact us to let us know if you want to come and celebrate with us!!