Upcoming Crops!!

First, we wanted to extend a huge THANK YOU!! to everyone who participated in, and came to the yard sale last weekend!!! We saw some old friends and met some new ones… Keep your eyes out for another one late in the winter, and start collecting your “stuff” now…

We have a couple of upcoming crop dates that still have space left!  Let us know if you can join us at any of these!!

This Friday, September 30, just $15 for 6pm-midnight

Friday, October 7, just $15 for 6pm-midnight

Friday, October 21, just $15 for 6pm-midnight

Please let us know ASAP if you’re interesting in cropping any of those days…

Don’t forget – Yard Sale tomorrow! Rain or shine!

Don’t forget! The Late Night Croppers Fall yard sale is tomorrow, Sunday, September 25, from 9am to 1pm. Cash and carry so don’t forget those reusable shopping bags. No early birds will be permitted. Sellers only may arrive at 7:30am for setup. Hope to see you there.

Busy Weekend for LNC: Crop Friday … Yard Sale Sunday!

Hi everyone, can’t believe it’s almost fall!!! I don’t know about you but I’m not ready for the cold weather yet … I could use a few more good weekends of summer weather.

We’re cropping on Friday~ We’ve got room for a few more so email us today if you would like to join us.

Also, our fall Yard Sale is Sunday from 9am to 1pm. Lots of great gently used and practically new scrapbook and paper crafting goodies! We’ll be there rain or shine! :) We have room for one or two more tables so contact us today if you would like to join us as a seller. Buyers – don’t forget it’s cash and carry so bring those reusable totes!


We’re cropping this weekend! :) Care to join us?

We are cropping this Friday from 6pm to Midnight and this Saturday from 12noon to Midnight. Fridays are $15 and Saturdays are $20. Plus if you crop both days, you’ll get $5 off your crop AND you’ll get to leave your stuff there on Friday night!

Email or Call Us today to reserve your spot!

Happy Halloween Crop!! Sign up now!!

Sign up now for our Super Saturday Halloween Crop!!! All day, includes dinner, just $35 call or email us to reserve your spot today!!