Upcoming crop dates at LNC

Wow, I can’t believe that summer is coming to an end. Time flies when you are having fun!

We have a couple of crop dates on the calendar. If you have a date in mind and don’t see it on this list, email us today and we’ll get it on the calendar.

  • Saturday, August 20
  • Friday, August 26
  • Friday, September 16 & Saturday, September 17 – sign up for both days and receive $5 off
  • Saturday, October 22 – Super Saturday Halloween Crop – more details to be announced soon!

Save the Date the next yard sale – Sunday September 25

Mark your calendars!!! Our next Scrapbook Yard Sale will be held on Sunday, September 25th. Do you have new stamps that you thought you HAD TO HAVE and now just sit collecting dust in the corner of your craft room? Did you get lots of new scrappy goodies for the holidays, and need to make some space? Or are you like me who likes to buy those “stacks” of paper to only use 4 sheets from the 150 count stack. If so, Late Night Croppers will be hosting another scrapbook yard sale on Sunday, September 25th, from 9am to 1pm. Our Yard Sale will be completely indoors – no need to worry about those late summer rains!


  • Reserve a table for $15.00 Not sure if you have enough stuff for a whole table, go in with a friend.
  • All items or groups of items (e.g. a bundle of paper, embellishments, etc.) need to be bagged and marked with a price.
  • You need to be present to sell your items. We will be on hand to assist but will not be responsible for making change/completing sales, etc.


  • Cash and carry only
  • Please bring your own shopping bag(s).

Please Note: Sellers ONLY are permitted to arrive at 7:30am for setup. No early-birds are permitted. Doors will open promptly at 9am.

Email us today – latenightcroppers@gmail.com with the subject of “Yard Sale” – to reserve your spot!

Come to Card Club … This Tuesday!

Have you been thinking about Card Club?  Well…come on and join us!! The 2nd Tuesday of the month… We make a minimum of 4 cards in a class-like setting, laugh a LOT, and also have an optional card swap for anyone who wants to participate!!! At just $15, it’s a cheap way to have a fun girls-night-out!!  Starts at 6:30 and runs ’til about 8pm.  Please let us know ahead of time if you’re planning on joining us (so that we have enough materials for everyone) and we’ll hopefully see you this week!!! Even if you can’t commit to every month, let us know if you can come this week!!  Click here for details.

Summer Crop Specials

Looking for a way to escape the heat?? Join us at our wonderful air conditioned crop space … Check out our Summer Crop Specials!!

Summer Crop Special #1

Want to come crop on a Saturday, but can’t commit to the whole day? Well, we have added a Saturday evening option!!  Crop for just $15 from 6-midnight (just like a Friday Crop).

Summer Crop Special #2

Plan 2 separate crops before August 31st, and take $5 off your second crop!! You must plan and pre-pay for the 2 crop dates, and the second crop needs to happen before August 31.

Give us a call, or send us an email to schedule your upcoming crops today!!!

Anyone up for cropping Saturday 7/30?

We have had an inquiry about cropping this Saturday … does anyone else want to crop this Saturday to escape the heat??? Don’t forget about our two summer specials:

Summer Crop Special #1

Want to come crop on a Saturday, but can’t commit to the whole day? Well, we have added a Saturday evening option!!  Crop for just $15 from 6-midnight (just like a Friday Crop).

Summer Crop Special #2

Plan 2 separate crops before August 31st, and take $5 off your second crop!! You must plan and pre-pay for the 2 crop dates, and the second crop needs to happen before August 31.

Email or call us today to reserve your spot!