Now that you’ve got all those wonderful holiday (and snow) photos, take a little time for yourself and come crop!! We have 2 upcoming crops in the works, and of course, any other day that we can get at least 6 croppers!! Check them out and let us know asap if you’d like to sign up!
Saturday, January 8, noon-midnight
Sarah Harrington, a CTMH consultant will be here hostessing an all day crop!! Come crop with us, and shop the beautiful CTMH stamps too!! We’re already a little more than half full for this crop, so let us know ASAP if you can come! You may recognize Sarah, she was at our Grand Opening back in June!! Come check out the FAB products, and get some of those holiday photos scrapped!!
Monday, January 17, 10am-4pm
Come Join Us for a Martin Luther King Day Crop!! If you have the day off from work, grab your papers and photos and come crop with us for the day!! Be among the first to use our (MANY!!) new Cricut Cartridges!! Santa was very good to us here at Late Night Croppers… He LOVES the Cricut too :) Those elves are multi-talented!!! Please let us know if you can come for this special daytime crop!! If you voted “yes” in the poll, please send us an email as well :) the poll was anonymous (just to get an idea if people were interested), and we need to know who’s coming!!